To Hire from Us , You accept that:
Whilst hiring our bikes and equipment, we ask that you take good care of them, as you will be asked to pay for any damage caused, be it accidental or otherwise.
You are responsible for keeping the bikes, helmets and equipment in good condition. That means if any damage is incurred whilst you are using them you will be charged for the cheaper of either repairs or replacement. This includes damage to the frame & forks, chain, gears & derailleur, and brakes & wheels. Should you require a recovery service, this is chargeable.
Whilst using our equipment you are responsible for insuring the equipment against theft on an old for new basis whilst in your care.
You are responsible for all cycles and equipment hired or loaned and it is your responsibility to keep the same safe from damage, loss or theft, use it in a proper manner and not subject it to any misuse or unfair wear and tear. In the case of electric cycles you must store them upright using the kickstand or suitable place and use in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines.
You must ensure the cycle is locked using the lock provided at all times when unattended. You will notify Blair Atholl Bike Hire immediately of any loss, damage or theft to the hired cycles or equipment however caused. You will be responsible for paying Blair Atholl Bike Hire the reasonable costs of reparation of any damage or the replacement costs due to theft where the cycle lock was not in place.
You are responsible for ensuring that you are physically fit enough to undertake cycling any distance using the Blair Atholl Bike Hire cycle(s) you have booked. Blair Atholl Bike Hire does not accept liability for death, personal injury, loss or damage to personal effects to any participant, nor can Blair Atholl Bike Hire accept any responsibility for delays due to weather, strikes, war, terrorism or other causes.
Cycling on a public highway, cycle route, thoroughfare or track carries its own risks and you have made your booking on the basis that you undertake the hire at your own risk. You understand and accept that Blair Atholl Bike Hire advises the wearing of cycle helmets at all times whilst riding the cycle and provides a helmet with each cycle hired, the wearing of which helmet is at the discretion of the hirer and rider.
You will ride your cycle responsibly at all times. You will not hold Blair Atholl Bike Hire responsible for any loss, damage or injury including death to persons or property with regard to use of the cycle(s) and equipment hired.
You accept responsibility to indemnify Blair atholl Bike Hire against any claim, interest, demand or expense in respect of any such injury or damage caused to you or by you or members of your group.
you will not offer for sale, sell, dispose, mortgage, lend, pledge or otherwise part with possession of the hired cycle(s) or equipment.